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  • $300 USD – Under 24 acres (10 hectares)

  • $420 USD – 24-222 Acres (10-90 hectares)

Scottish Insight is a comprehensive report that provides the three key aspects environmental professionals need: environmental, geological and flood data.

Why this report?

  • Mastermap Siteplan as standard with detailed flood and geology information
  • Intelligent classification of risk data
  • Hyperlinks to digitized BGS recorded boreholes
  • Full mining and flood risk data
  • Unique military and ordnance sites

This report delivers detailed and accurate information using extensive datasets to provide informed and critical insight.

Our Historic Land Use Database (HLUD) gives the most accurate and reliable information available on the market. It is derived from Ordnance Survey mapping dating back to the 1840s, scanned in at over 500dpi.

Scottish Insight includes a Mastermap Siteplan as standard (for sites under 20ha), and also provides detailed flood and geology information. Each section of the report is clearly defined and hyperlinked from the contents, plus we provide individual maps for each section for additional clarity and to simplify interpretation.

Our in-house team of specialists, who continually update the report with the latest terminology and data, provide our users with the certainty to properly assess any project property.

What does it cover?

  • Historical Land Use information including unique military and ordnance sites
  • Current industrial data, Environmental Permits, Incidents and Registers
  • Detailed landfill and waste site data from authoritative sources including SEPA, Local Authorities
  • National Grid gas pipeline and electricity transmission lines
  • Detailed BGS 1:10,000 and 1:50,000 scale geology and hydrogeology data
  • Designated environmentally sites including SSSIs, SPAs, SACs, Green Belt and Ancient Woodland
  • Detailed flood data including JBA river, coastal, surface water and reservoir failure, and BGS groundwater
  • Full suite of mining data from the BGS, JPB, PBA and Groundsure
  • BGS natural ground subsidence data and Radon information
  • Historic, abandoned and active railways, tunnels and railway projects
  • Estimated and measured soil chemistry
  • All data is displayed on a unique map per section

* Available as PDF and raw data for GIS
**Report turnaround is 1-2 business days
***Ask about other reports and data for UK properties

For more information or to order, please email [email protected]