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ERIS Supplies a Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) Report for Texas

Municipal Setting Designation Report (MSD) for Texas

September 4, 2024 –ERIS now offers a comprehensive package of information required for the MSD application.

A requirement of the MSD application is to identify and notify all well owners within a 5-mile radius of the applicant’s site. ERIS conducts research to gather water well information and current owner data to fulfill this notification procedure.

“An MSD is an official state designation given to property within a municipality or its extraterritorial jurisdiction that certifies that designated groundwater at the property is not used as potable water and is prohibited from future use as potable water because that groundwater is contaminated more than the applicable potable-water protective concentration level. (TCEQ 2008)” *

The ERIS MSD package includes:
·      5-mile water well report
·      ½ mile water well report
·      Water Utility Database (WUD) report
·      Copies of driller logs
·      Mail merge spreadsheet with all current water well owners
·      Interactive map in Xplorer

For more information about this or any of our Texas reports, please contact your Regional Account Manager. In Texas, contact Amanda Sugg, or Scott Davis.

* ”The Texas Legislature authorized the creation of Municipal Setting Designations in 2003, which would allocate an area where the use of contaminated groundwater is not allowed for use as potable water. The prohibition must be in the form of a city ordinance, or a restrictive covenant that is enforceable by the city and filed in the property records (TCEQ 2008).”